One Analyst Explains Why Business is Happy with Gorsuch Nomination

Paul Glenchur, a Telecom & Media Policy Senior Policy Analyst, discusses why the nomination of Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court is seen as a positive development by the business community. Gorsuch is a solid conservative who could, however, ignite strong opposition from Senate Democrats for his nomination.

WH Spokesman Spicer Discusses Trump Executive Order Travel Ban

White House Spokesman Sean Spicer explains during a press conference why President Donald Trump’s Executive Order to ban travelers entering the United States from seven predominantly Muslim countries was the right thing to do. He added that career employees at the State Department who stated their objections to the ban could either “get with the program,” or leave.

Foxconn Considering $7 Billion Investment in Factory in US

The world’s largest producer of contract electronics, Foxconn, is considering partnering with Apple to build a display-panel factory in the United States. If the deal proceeds it could lead to a $7 billion investment in the US and the creation of 30,000 to 50,000 jobs.

Bayer and Monsanto Pledge to Spend Billions on US R&D if Merger Approved

Listen to Charlie Gasparino, Fox Business senior correspondent discuss a major investment by Bayer-Monsanto which will boost employment in the United States. The two companies, Bayer and Monsanto, are now in negotiations to wrap up a merger, and if it is successful, it could lead to billions of dollars in committed to R&D spending. The companies are waiting for government regulatory bodies to approve the deal.

Jobs Returning to the United States from Overseas

In an in depth report by J. Cardoze, L. Desbois, A. Monange for France 24, Shirli Sitbon and Anca Ulea, viewers will understand the changes a business needs to make in order to afford to manufacture consumer goods in the United States. In the second half of the video Ronald Freeman, economist for the Atlantic Council, explains that the vast majority of manufacturing jobs can be done by robots. If humans are replaced by robots, production costs go down, and companies can afford to return their factories to the United States.

President-Elect Donald Trump Announces the Dissolution of His Trump Foundation

Listen to the discussion about President-elect Donald’s Trump decision to disband his Trump Foundation charitable organization.

Can We Expect the Economy to Grow with President Trump at the Helm?

Listen to former Deputy Assistant to President George W Bush, Brad Blakeman discuss why he believes the US can expect an economic expansion under the leadership of President-elect Donald Trump. In contrast, Robert Wolf, Fox News contributor, believes that the US should remain in the TPP and be active in the global marketplace. Steve Hilton, former advisor to the British Prime Minister David Cameron, explains how the bureaucracy of government can stifle growth.

Greenspan Discusses US Economic Growth

In an interview conducted by Bloomberg’s David Weston, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan speaks about US productivity and economic growth. Greenspan explains that entitlements are eating into the domestic savings of the economy, strangling capital investment.

Starbucks’ CEO Handing Reins Over to Kevin Johnson

Howard Schultz, who once said that he loved his company as much as his family, will be handing over control of Seattle-based coffee mega-store Starbucks, to Kevin Johnson. Johnson is the current chief operation officer of the company, and once worked with Microsoft.

Listen to the interview with both executives with CNN.

Lara Boyd Discusses New Brain Research and Neuroplasticity

Listen to researcher Lara Boyd discuss neuroplasticity and how people can change the way their brain works. She explains that every time someone learns something new, they change their brain, refuting the idea that the brain does not change after the onset of adulthood.